I have been slacking terribly on this whole blog thing. Will began to walk and things got hectic. So I am sure you are wondering, what are the Weedman's up to these days? Here are some Clif Notes on the past few months.
Lets see....where did I leave off? Oh, yeah! I'm currently pregnant with baby number two. My pregnancy has been uneventful so far. Quite similar to my pregnancy with Will, with only a few changes. The most noticeable change would have to be my eating habits this time around. I was much more nauseous in my first trimester with this bean. This baby didn't want anything to do with vegetables, just the sight of broccoli had me dry heaving. I wanted ice cream, bacon, terrible things. Luckily I am past that now and back to eating healthy food. Healthy food PLUS the occasional (or daily) ice cream or candy bar. I'm currently 16 weeks and we find out the sex in 4 weeks!
Will has changed so much in the past few months. If I don't write it down I'm worried the little moments will be lost in the blur that will be the end of this year. A new baby and a new routine. I want to remember what you are doing right NOW! So here it goes, William.
At the end of March you took your first steps. Now, only 2 months later, you are walking, running (or speed walking) and climbing. You are such a busy body. Every once in a while you will stop for a quick kiss or to sit in my lap, but these are rarities. Even though you are our independent little guy you are such a sweetie. You learned to blow kisses and give them out whenever someone says bye. The other day I was sitting on the floor and you gave me a hug. I could have died it was so sweet. You also kiss your stuffed animals while sitting alone in your crib...before throwing them over the side. Thats a new thing, everything in your crib must be on the floor the second you wake up. Dad thinks you are throwing things out to create some padding so that you can then jump out. I have a bad feeling that he might be right.
You won't stop eating. It's insane how much you eat. Forget a college fund, we need a grocery fund to keep you alive so you can even get to college. Here is what you usually eat:
Breakfast: 3 eggs, a serving of fruit (or sometimes two) usually strawberries. The other day I sauteed some chard and you ate all of that too. It was supposed to be my breakfast...turd.
Snack: Gluten free puffs, mums, a banana or whatever fruit I have handy before your nap.
Lunch: Meat ( you LOVE sausage), veggies (today you downed almost a cup of fresh green beans), and sweet potato puffs (tater tots), Fruit (today it was a peach) and some raw bars I made you with dates, cashews, pumpkin seeds, and coconut
Dinner: Whatever we are eating, today it was Falafel, more sausage, some lamb that we were having for dinner, hummus, and more strawberries
Snack: More raw bars, this time with dates, cashews, pumpkin seeds, pumpkin, and chocolate chips.
So. Much. Food. You also love whatever I happen to be eating. I can't count how many times you have eaten half of my meal. There are some things that you won't eat, like chicken. I like to think it's because you really enjoy talking to chickens. Our neighbors have some that you like to go out and say hi to them. You also love going to our CSA so you can watch the chickens. We have decided to build a coop and get some next spring. Mostly because you eat THREE eggs every morning, but also because we think you would really enjoy having them.
You are sleeping like a champ, 12 hours through the night. I assume it is because you NEVER stop during the day except for your one nap. I am pretty thankful for it though.
You just said dada the other day. Your total word count is 6ish. Mama, dada, cup, dog, cat, and gabba (as in Yo Gabba Gabba). I say ish because dog and cat are fuzzy, but you know what your are talking about.
You have been kicking around a soccer ball lately which makes me really happy. I'll teach you all sorts of tricks.
We can get you laughing if we hold your foot up to our noses and sniff, then dramatically pull it away and say "pew, pew, pew!! Stinky baby!". This was really fun until summer came and you started to sweat. No your feet smell like a million butts. It still makes you laugh but it is much less fun for us. Pew.
And best of all, we are now throwing temper tantrums. Most of the time we just laugh at you. It is too soon to tell if this will cause any psychological damage in the future, but man you are funny. Most of the tantrums include laying on the ground crying, a lot of time you just bend at the waist and put your forehead on the floor, screaming. They never last long, and you are too little to explain anything to. Its this weird limbo where there really isn't anything to be done except trying my best to show you why you can't do something, like run around with a fork or throw my phone into the dog's water bowl. However, you are just grasping simple words like dada, so me explaining that you could jab the fork into your eyeball doesn't quite sink in like it should. Therefore I take the fork away and you go into downward facing dog temper tantrum until you get distracted by something else, usually another dangerous object I have accidentally left within your reach.
Overall you are awesome. I can't get enough of your little butt. You bring me nothing but happiness, even when you are having one of those days. I can not wait to add your little brother or sister to the pack. It will be our little family unit, complete and awesome. There is so much to learn and do and endure in the years ahead. Buddy, you have no idea what is in store for you.