Monday, March 11, 2013

Round Two!

Turns out we are some baby making fools. That's right, we are pregnant again! I'm sure you have many questions. For example, didn't you just do this? Was this planned? Have you lost your mind? Let me answer some of these for you.

First things first. We wanted to have two kids, no doubt. We did not, however, think they would be this close together! Surprise! Sometimes things just happen. Sometimes grown adults aren't as smart as maybe they should be. Sometimes.

So there is your answer. This baby that I am currently brewing was not planned, but it is definitely wanted. I mean have you seen the first one we made? He might be the cutest baby in the history of babies. Why wouldn't we make another one?

Yes, we had a little freak out moment. Actually, it was more of a stunned moment. I took a pregnancy test, sat it on the sink and went to fill my water bottle. When I came back to the bathroom I saw a faint positive on the test. I grabbed it, went to the living room and threw it at Brent. "What do you see?" I asked. He grabbed it and responded "I don't know, some lines....wait, are you pregnant!!!?"

We then sat on the floor together and discussed. Lots of "I can't believe it, and more of "I can't believe it". It took a minute or two. Then we began to think of the positives. We wanted two kids. They will be close in age so they will hopefully be best friends. We are already in baby mode, might as well keep on trucking.

The next morning I woke up. Laid in bed for a second, then said, "Holy shit, I'm pregnant." We went about our day as usual, still a little stunned.

On the second day it went from stunned to full blown excitement. A sweet little baby! And now I actually know what the hell I'm doing. The hardest part with baby Will in the beginning was breastfeeding. Now that I've got that down we just have to battle the first four weeks of literally no sleep, then life gets better. I hope it is a normal size babe, but if I have another giant monster child then that's just fine too :)

And now you might be thinking, don't you live in a two bedroom house? Where are you going to put this baby? The answer? The closet. No, seriously. We have giant closets, two of which are in the nursery, so why not build a crib into the closet? When I first googled "putting baby in closet" I was worried that it would pull up some crazy Child Protective Services stories about babies being put in closets. Turns out a closet nursery is totally a thing. Thank goodness! So that's the plan. The wee one will be in our room like Will was for the first 4 months, then bam, in the closet he/she goes. I thought about moving and getting a bigger space, but it really isn't necessary, not for a few years at least. That's where people get in trouble, they stress and over extend themselves. My plan is to make this house the most organized and efficient house I possibly can. Good thing I LOVE to make lists. I'm going to nest for the next 9 months.

The baby will be a November baby, which means this summer you will find me floating my giant pregnant butt in a pool somewhere, cursing the heat. The kids will be a little over 18 months apart. I was worried about how tired I would be with two small ones, but eventually everyone will sleep well through the night. We don't need anything, we have baby essentials already in the house. If it is a boy then it is set on clothes, and if it is a little girl I'm sure between grandmothers and Aunt Rachel she will be set on clothes as well.

What I don't need are any comments about sleep deprivation, how hard it will be, or any "good luck with that!". I want nothing but a positive and stress free pregnancy. Time to spend with my sweet little William before we add baby number two to the pack. William has already made Brent and I better people, I can't imagine what this sweet pea will bring to the table!

I love being a mom, I love being pregnant, I love my friends, and I love my family. Lets do this.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Making Noms for Your Baby

I was going to make a long blog post about making food for your baby, but I'm sleepy so this is what you get.

You should make food for your baby. It's cheap and easy and healthy.

Go to this site:

It has awesome recipes and is extremely user friendly. I can type in an ingredient, select who it is for (baby or toddler), and it pulls up tins of yummy food!

Tonight I made the red lentil purée. It made enough for the week and I was able to freeze some. We have an ice maker in our freezer so the only ice cube trays I had were some novelty ones that make chess piece ice. Because my husband is a nerd. The purée was delicious and I ended up eating some after I rationed Will's portion for the week. Yum!