Sunday, March 3, 2013

Making Noms for Your Baby

I was going to make a long blog post about making food for your baby, but I'm sleepy so this is what you get.

You should make food for your baby. It's cheap and easy and healthy.

Go to this site:

It has awesome recipes and is extremely user friendly. I can type in an ingredient, select who it is for (baby or toddler), and it pulls up tins of yummy food!

Tonight I made the red lentil purée. It made enough for the week and I was able to freeze some. We have an ice maker in our freezer so the only ice cube trays I had were some novelty ones that make chess piece ice. Because my husband is a nerd. The purée was delicious and I ended up eating some after I rationed Will's portion for the week. Yum!

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