When we registered for our baby shower I knew exactly what kind of carrier I wanted to start out with, the Moby Wrap. I had seen moms with their cute little babies all nestled in the Moby and they both looked nice and comfy. That's what I wanted, to carry around a cute little bundle of joy in my neato Moby. The wrap is considered a sling style carrier and is basically one long piece of fabric. And by long, I mean LONG. I remember the first time I unwrapped it, it went on forever. I read the instruction manual and found that there were plenty of ways to wear it. I loved this wrap to wear around the house when Will was tiny (which was really never....). The first time I went out of the house and wanted to use it I put it on before we left, I didn't want to be in the parking lot wrapping that thing around me and dragging it on the ground. Gross. This is a picture of Will and I out at the farm picking up our CSA, he was 9 days old and I already was having a hard time putting his head under the fabric because he was so long and my torso was so short.
I did enjoy wearing it around the house when Will was fussy. He would immediately pass out and would stay asleep for hours. Then Will began to grow. And grow. And grow. I couldn't fit him in the wrap and pull the fabric over his head to help support it, he was too tall and I was too short. I would stand there trying to stuff his 100th percentile noggin under the fabric until he became so pissed that I would give up. I knew that I needed to find something better.
Brent and I began to research baby carriers and I put a call out on facebook. I had a lot of great replies, especially this website: http://www.theportablebaby.com They have a great comparison chart, even though they seem to really hate the baby bjorn, saying that it is good for no one. I know of quite a few people with the baby bjorn that like it, but this site talks about it like it killed their mother. Other than that they seem pretty fair with their comparisons.
Brent and I were actually leaning towards the baby bjorn because it seemed like the least bulky. Plus I watched a video on the new baby bjorn miracle carrier and they told me it would be the only carrier I would ever need while this soft music played and I was all like, "Ok, sure". Then the next day when I wasn't hypnotized by the baby bjorn website I began researching the Beco Gemini. I like it because you can wear it 4 different ways, one of which is front carry facing out which is the way Will loves to be carried already.
The Gemini isn't bulky and is VERY easy to use. It's also easy to adjust so switching from me to Brent is no big deal. I can tighten and loosen the straps while Will is in it. It has a head support if your baby falls asleep and is nice and cushy for their bottom. Here are some pictures of Will in it. Keep in mind that Brent was taking these pictures only because I insisted and he did so while sitting on the couch watching Casino*. They aren't the best quality but at least show how it fits on my small frame.
Will in the front carry facing in. This is recommended for young babies who do not have full head control. It's comfy, but Will always cranes his head around trying to see what is going on so he prefers the facing out carry.
Will in the front carry facing out. All you have to do to achieve this is snap the bottom flaps at the base in to make it narrow. It's SUPER easy to do. This carry is not recommended unless they have full head control, but Will's head is so big that the shoulder straps help hold it up. He likes this position best.

The straps cross in the back and hook to the front. The waist band hooks in the back. All snaps are child proof (and were Emily proof for a minute) and are easy for you to unhook.

This is the carrier with the head rest up. I imagine this is great if your baby's head isn't in the 100th percentile. When I snap it up Will is super squished. Won't be of use to us but for tiny babes it's a plus. Also, you can put a newborn with their legs tucked in froggy style.
I also like this carrier because it comes in 17 different prints, including robot which is what we got Will. They are sleek and cute and so far Will seems to love it. Once this heat wave is over I'll try it out for long walks to see how my back holds up, but just around the house it is very comfortable. The other big test will be our trip to Chicago in August. I wanted a carrier so that we wouldn't have to lug a stroller on and off of the train. The price tag is a little steep ($130.00) but still cheaper than the bjorn and not much more expensive than the Ergo with more ways to carry. There was a sell for them on the portable baby site for 14 dollars off which puts it almost even with the Ergo. Brent hasn't tried it on yet but I don't see why he wouldn't like it. He was too busy watching mob bosses get beat with baseball bats while I was taking the pictures for this post.
Hope this review was helpful! Check out Beco's website: http://www.becobabycarrier.com and the portable baby website.
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