Just thought I would give an update on how breastfeeding is going. My first post about breastfeeding was pretty intense, what with the bleeding nipples and terrible pain. So now it's time for a little reassurance for those about to start the boob journey.
The beginning is no joke, we've already established that. Once you get the hang of breastfeeding you will still have to make adjustments here and there. For me, and others I have spoken with, it's all about sticking with it. I don't know of anyone who has mastered it from day one, but I know many that have stopped prematurely for whatever reason. I can't lie, I thought about it more than once. Mostly at 4 in the morning when Will the Boob Monster was chomping on my angry nipple. But I stuck with it because to me the pros outweigh the cons.
I fell in love with breastfeeding when Will began nursing less. I think it was a combination of finally becoming comfortable with a newborn baby and getting more sleep. Will went from nursing 12 times a day to nursing 7 or 8 times around 5 weeks old. When the feedings were spread out over 3 or 4 hours instead of 1 1/2 or 2 hours breastfeeding became less of a chore and more of a treat. It was a time that I could sit with my beautiful baby and relax. Now it is something that I look forward to. I love holding him close and knowing that he is happy and relaxed in my arms. During the first week I would cry and wonder how I could go on doing it, and now I get teary eyed thinking of the day when I will wean him and won't have these snuggly moments.
So for the moms who are getting ready to start the breastfeeding journey I can honestly say it is the hardest, yet most rewarding venture I've ever taken. And when you wake up to that hungry baby at 2 am and feel like you just can't do it anymore remember that millions of women have been in your exact same position and you are not alone.
Girl power.
I'm so happy for you! I love breastfeeding too! McKenzie's birth was a disaster. We planned a homebirth but after 4 days of active labor w/ waters broken, I ended up at the hospital with a very unwanted c-section. I felt like a failure at childbirth so it meant ALOT to me to at least get breastfeeding right. Thankfully, she latched on beautifully from the start and we've been golden ever since. Had I not known better...if I had actually followed the doctors, nurses, and pediatricians bad breastfeeding advice... we would not have been so lucky. They kept trying to pressure me to give her formula for the most bogus reasons imaginable, but I told them to shove it! I wish hospitals were more supportive and physicians were better educated. I'm working towards becoming an IBCLC so I can help make a difference. I'm sorry you had a rough time in the first week. Unfortunately that seems to be a common experience. Breastfeeding's not supposed to ever be painful though. I think if more people knew that, they'd seek help early on before things got worse. Alright, well... looks as though I've gone off on a bit of a tangent, sorry. I could go on talking about the politics of breastfeeding for days and days... but it's late, so I'll call it a night. =)