Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Too much information

Seriously. Boys probably don't want to read this. So if you are a boy and you do read this and you think "gross" then you can't say I didn't warn you.

Ok, now that the boys are gone I'll tell you my story. It all started this past weekend. I had been all mopey and down in the dumps for no good reason. I would tear up at the drop of a hat and just wasn't in a good place. It all came to a head on Monday night. After a long day at work I came home and was even more tired than usual. I was sad and exhausted and bummed. I don't remember exactly why I started to cry, but I did. There I was crying on the couch with poor Brent wanting to help but not knowing exactly what to do. I told him that I am just overwhelmed and I've been so sleepy and sad but I can't figure out why. We had a long discussion and began talking about how it could be post Partum depression and we discussed ways that Brent could help me to make sure I take care of myself. Have I mentioned that my husband is amazing? Anyway, I went to bed that night thinking that maybe I was struggling a little and tried to get my head in the right place.

The next morning I woke up feeling good. I went to work and was feeling great, when all of the sudden it happened. I started my period. Then it hit me. That sneaky bitch. I haven't had my period for over a year now so I wasn't even thinking that could have been it. When breastfeeding you actually prolong the time before starting your period again after pregnancy. Some woman go months with nothing, so you never know when it will come back. I have never been so relieved to start, well, ever. It explains my tiredness, my sadness, and my mood swings. Here I thought I might be going off the deep end and it was just damn mother nature being her usual jerk self.

So that's my story. I do know that I still need to make sure I take care of myself, but it makes me feel so much better that it was just normal symptoms.

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