Will had his 4 month check up today! The time flies, doesn't it? He weighed in at 16 lbs 12 oz, 25 inches long, and size giant head. No, seriously, still in the 100th percentile for head size.
Today we talked solids. When to introduce food, what food to introduce, and how long before he can start drinking beer*.
Brent and I had lots of questions about food. Since we met 8 years ago we have been on a food journey. We have gone from being not very healthy eaters, to vegetarian, and now trying out the paleo diet which is basically eating actual food and nothing processed. Crazy, right? During the past eight years we have learned so much and are looking forward to introducing our love and understanding of food on to our kids. To not only eat variety, but to also understand where food comes from and exactly what you are eating.
Our first concern was with rice cereal. We wanted to know why it is the first choice for solid foods. We were weary because rice is not the most nutritional thing and we wanted to avoid giving Will "filler" foods. The doctor explained that it is easy on there sensitive guts and gets them used to swallowing foods. Makes sense. We then went on to when to introduce other foods. You are supposed to introduce one food at a time and feed only that food for 3-4 days to make sure they don't have an allergic reaction to it. She recommended starting with green vegetables, then moving on to other colored veggies, then fruits. She recommends fruits last because we know that kids (or people in general) will eat the sugary stuff. She then advised that around 9 months you can start giving them whatever it is that you are eating. Her kids were eating Indian food by 9 months. I didn't ask what those diapers looked like....
I am excited to start solids even though it means that Will is continuing to grow up. Dammit. We plan on starting at 6 months of age (24 weeks).
Will also got his second set of vaccines today. He cried but pulled himself together after a hug from me and a smile from dad. What a brave boy!
Other things that have happened this week: TEETH! The top middle teeth have finally cut through, marking the end of a tough week. These have been much more painful for him than the bottom two. SLEEP! Although we had 4 rough nights due to teething he surprised us by sleeping 3 full nights back to back. Not a peep from 8pm-8am. The past few nights he has been waking up his typical one time to nurse, but those 12 hour nights were a welcome surprise! Thanks buddy! MOVING! Will has been getting better and better at controlling his movements. He is very close to sitting up on his own and loves to stand (with help from us of course). Tummy time is now squirmy time as he kicks and wriggles trying to get away.
*turns out babies can have beer at the age of 21 years.
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