Thursday, September 27, 2012

Rabble Rabble

I don't rant often, but I'd like to rant a little today.

I can't really tell if it really is a big deal, or if I'm just so submerged in it that I can't see out of this little world, but what is the deal with breastfeeding beng so controversial? What is the deal, people?

I thought about typing out a big long blog about breastfeeding and how it is amazing for baby and mom and it is what is supposed to happen. Then I realized the people who already know that don't need to be told again, and those with issues about breastfeeding, whether it is a problem with doing it in public or whatever, are just uneducated about the facts and they can google them if they are so inclined.

What I've decided to say is this: Shut up. Everyone, shut it. Nursing in public is NO BIG DEAL. If you don't want to see a woman's boob and you are staring at her while she gets situated to feed her child then LOOK AWAY. Quit staring. And don't give me the "I can't help but look, it's right in front of me." You can look elsewhere, with your eyeballs that you control with your brain. Move them away from the mother who is breastfeeding. I PROMISE that she does not want you to stare at her boob either, she just wants to feed her kid without hiding in the car or pumping that day so that she can bring a bottle with her while she is out. Women who are brave enough to feed in public aren't doing it to make a point or make you uncomfortable, they are doing it because their baby needs to eat and they happen to be out. They do not need to work out their schedule and stress because you have nothing better to do then give mean glances. JEEZ people. Also, if there is a woman at your place of work that pumps and you see her walking to put her pumped milk in the fridge don't make a big deal out of it. We all know that you know what just happened. She sat in a room hooked up to a machine that pumped her breasts. She doesn't want to sit in that room hooked up to that machine, but she does it because she is making sure that her baby has the best possible nutrition. Pumping sucks. So don't throw out any cow jokes, don't make jokes about "drinking the milk" or "putting it in coffee" or anything along those lines. And don't make faces or say "that's gross", or "yuck". What are you, fucking 6 years old? Are you auditioning for the sequel to the movie Mean Girls?

Breastfeeding is hard enough without society downing it all of the time. It is hard, it is emotional, it is intense. If you have not breastfed a child or been around a breastfeeding mother then I do not expect you to understand. The emotional bond that comes with breastfeeding is raw and NO ONE should judge or comment on any other woman's breastfeeding relationship with her child.

Once again, I think I may just be too close to the situation. Some of my friends may read this and think I've lost my mind. But what I'm saying means something to me. So, if you have a friend, a family member, or co-worker who is breastfeeding, then be supportive. It is that simple.

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