Saturday, July 21, 2012

What I think that maybe I might believe

I've found a few mom blogs that have made posts about what they believe. It's kind of like a declaration of the things that they believe about being a parent. How they think a child should be raised and what they believe about some of the hot button issues. After reading a few I was a little put off by the whole thing. Some of the bullet points I agreed with, others I did not. These moms seem so sure that their way is the right way.

I decided I wasn't going to write a "My Beliefs" post because I have only been a parent for 12 weeks. 12 weeks isn't enough time to get up on my soap box and talk about how a child should be raised. If there is one thing I've learned about being a parent it's that things are always changing. Therefore what I believe today may not be what I believe tomorrow. What I know I don't want is to look back on a post I've written and be embarrassed by sounding close minded or set in my ways. What I do want are friends and role models who are content to watch me raise my child, faults and all, and give advice only when I ask for it. Every time I turn around there is someone talking about attachment parenting or letting your baby cry it out and it seems like moms are ready to battle it out without knowing each special circumstance. I feel like moms should be supporting each other as long as the child is healthy and happy.

I used to think a lot of things. I used to think that I could let Will cry it out, but now I can't imagine letting him cry until he fell asleep. It's just not for me, not at this age at least. I also don't think that you can spoil a baby by rocking them or holding them too much. I rock Will to sleep (or Brent does) every night because we both enjoy it so much. I don't think that I want Will to sleep in our bed, but he is still in a bassinet in our room. I thought I would move him from our room to his nursery by the time he is three months old but that is only days away and I know I'm not ready to do that yet. I also wasn't sure if I could breastfeed for long due to lack of knowledge and confidence, but here I am, master of the boob.

Some people might think I should take a stand and not be so wishy washy, but how silly is it to take a stand when I have no idea what the future holds. What I think now may be completely different next week or next month. What I will say is that us parents have to stick together. We have no right to judge or make passive aggressive comments about what other parents are doing. Aren't we all just winging it anyway? We won't know if we are doing it right or wrong until our kids grow up to be turds. Then we will look back and think "well maybe that didn't work." Until then I'll just keep on trucking and hope that my sweet Baby Will will grow up to be a great kid and a respectable adult.

Damn. I wasn't going to get on my soap box, yet here I am. I'll get off now, just wanted to say that we are all going through the same milestones and events with our children. And while they are the same there are many different approaches to handle them.

Alright, can someone help me off this thing?

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