Wednesday, July 4, 2012

What We Eat: Kale Pad Thai

Made this for lunch today! It took me 20 minutes from start to finish and is super yummy.

What you'll need:
1 cup roasted and unsalted peanuts
1 cup nutritional yeast
2 cloves of garlic
Juice from 1/2 a lemon
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 cup vegetable broth
1 tbsp low sodium tamari (soy sauce)
3/4 cup water
Soba noodles
1 bunch of kale leaves
Handful if cherry tomatoes, halved

In a blender (I used a magic bullet) put the peanuts, nutritional yeast, garlic, lemon juice, salt, broth, tamari, and water. Blend, add extra water if the sauce is too thick. Set aside.

Steam your kale leaves. I just ripped the kale leaves up with my hands into small pieces.

While that is steaming cut up your tomatoes and set them aside. Once your kale is done combine that with your sauce and tomatoes in a pan. Turn on low heat and toss.

Boil your noodles. Soba noodles cook very quickly. Make as many noodles as you like, Brent likes meals with less noodles, and I like it to be noodle heavy so I compromised, but either way is fine. Once the noodles are done put them in the pan with your kale mixture and toss to coat.

Ta Da! Super healthy noms.

The recipe also calls for seaweed flakes as a garnish. I LOVE seaweed flakes because they are yummy and very good for you. I usually buy them in sheets and just tear them apart, but I found these at the grocery last week:

They are perfect for sprinkling on dishes like this or in soups....or on sandwichs or salads. Here is the finished product :)

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