Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Note Number Two


You are still a really cool baby. Today you are 104 days old.

Turns out you are teething already. It's not unheard of at this age, but it's pretty young to be getting your first tooth. You haven't been too fussy but have had a few epic meltdowns. This might sound weird but even when you cry it is pretty cute.

Your favorite thing to do right now is stand while we hold you up. You post your fat baby legs up and smile so big. It's pretty adorable. You also love being talked to and you make the best facial expressions. You'll be talking before we know it. And you love the show Yo Gabba Gabba. I don't want to melt your brain by letting you watch TV, but this crazy show will teach you all kinds of things. Today we learned how to be polite and say things like excuse me and thank you. Being polite is super important and you are going to hear that from your dad and I a lot.

Right now I am holding you while you nap. You love to grab my shirt while you sleep and I love kissing your forehead. I kiss your forehead because it is giant. Sorry, you got that from your dad and I. You might grow into yours, I wasn't so lucky. One day someone might call it a "five head", but that's ok. No matter how big it is you will always be cooler than all the other kids for sure. Anyway, these moments when we are snuggled up together are good for my heart, knowing that you are happy and comfy in my arms.

This morning we went for a walk with Mamaw and you slept the whole time, then we had a dance party with the Yo Gabba Gabba gang (Brobee is your dad and I's favorite). After that I gave you a bath and you splashed around a lot today. You love baths and hate when they are over. We wrap you up in a towel and once you realize there is no more warm water you usually cry.

Later today we are eating lunch with the Sharp family. They have a daughter, Millie, who is a year and a half older than you. I'm sure you will be friends with Millie since we are so close with her parents. In fact, you will be surrounded by little girls for a while. You met baby Clementine a few weeks ago, and our friends Peter & Vikki and Alisa & Bryan are both having girls in October. But that's ok, you'll learn quick that girls make the world go round. You will have a lot of strong role models in your life, both male and female, and I'm very thankful for that.

Right now we are trying to get you to sleep on your back more, you are doing ok but aren't quite sleeping through the night yet. That's fine, because I know soon enough I will have to drag your butt out of bed in the mornings for school/practice/games.

I'm rambling. Once again we love you so much, even when you throw fits and even when it is 2am and you want to be awake. Your dad and I slept a whole lot before you came, so it's all good.


P.S. You drool a lot right now because you are teething. You drool worse then Ricky the dog. And if you have been drooling all day your cheeks smell funky. Yesterday your dad was holding you and kissed your cheeks, then pulled away because you had baby stink face. Of course you just smiled the whole time. You thankfully like having your face washed. And yes, you still fart a lot. Our house is a bucket of farts between us three and the dogs.

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